(Português) 8º Exposição de Arte Contemporânea de Inspiração Vaccea[:]

14 November, 2015 @ 10:00 am – 10 January, 2016 @ 5:30 pm
R. Cónego Joaquim Gaiolas
4750 Barcelos
[:pt]8º Exposição de Arte Contemporânea de Inspiração Vaccea[:] @ Barcelos | Braga | Portugal

‘the vaccean bestiary’
8th exhibition of vaccean contemporary art inspiration

Chapel room of the Pottery Museum
November 14, 2015 the January 10, 2016

Workshops: December 19, 2015 and January 9, 2016

The chapel of the Pottery Museum is among the chosen places to house from, 14 November 2015 to 10 January 2016, the “VacceArte” Exposition.
The “VacceArte” Exposition is an organization of the Estudios Vacceos Center “Frederico Wattenberg” at the University of Valladolid in collaboration with the Association Portugal à mão, aiming to promote the cultural heritage of the Archaeological Area of Pintia in Padilla de Duero/Peñafiel (Valladolid). It wishes to introduce the pre-roman culture very present and prominent in the Iberian Peninsula and to recover the memory of the Vaccean people who 2500 years ago, gave us some of the most genuine identity marks of the central space of the Douro basin.
This exhibition which that began in the Coa Museum, will now be reflected in Barcelos, with the main theme – The vaccean bestiary.
A difficult but truly motivating challenge is established in this exhibition, a dialogue between two different worlds – the academic and the artistic – the first here embodied by a narrative of archaeologists, illustrated by archaeological findings from the excavations done in the region of Tarragona, and the second, the artists / artisans, who represent the Bestiary works of art.

Also in search of a relationship between the vaccean bestiary and Barcelos Figures/figurines, will be held during the exhibition workshops, where the potters form Barcelos and some guest artists, together will interpret the works exposed in the exhibition.

It is therefore based on this geographical parallel and intercultural dialogue, that allow us to invite you take a very close look to this exhibition, challenging yourself to revisit the past, with the cultural identity and heritage of a region as its most perfect backdrop.[:]